Symptoms, remedies, treatments and care for Fever


Fever is a natural response to infection or illness. Many illnesses thrive at normal body temperature, and a fever is an indication that the immune system is functioning to ward off the infection. In fact, a fever is a good sign as it means that the body is responding to fight the infection, and in most cases it is part of a natural bodily response that should be allowed to continue. Fever can be caused by bacterial or viral illness, or in rare cases by poisoning, heat stroke, environmental toxins, or a malfunctioning hypothalamus. For the majority of us, fever is caused by a simple infection (most often a virus) and will fade on its own as the body heals.


Apply cold water
3.9 (103)
Effectiveness: 3.9  Popularity: 103  
Eat and apply garlic
3.5 (93)
Effectiveness: 3.5  Popularity: 93  
Apply apple cider vinegar
3.8 (71)
Effectiveness: 3.8  Popularity: 71  
Take ginger and raisins
3.3 (60)
Effectiveness: 3.3  Popularity: 60  
Drink mint tea
2.8 (56)
Effectiveness: 2.8  Popularity: 56  
Take turmeric
2.8 (23)
Effectiveness: 2.8  Popularity: 23  
Drink basil tea
3.4 (21)
Effectiveness: 3.4  Popularity: 21  
Apply egg white
2.5 (12)
Effectiveness: 2.5  Popularity: 12  
Take fenugreek
4.5 (2)
Effectiveness: 4.5  Popularity: 2  
Take cilantro juice
3.0 (1)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 1  
Take cumin & coriander and fennel seeds
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  
Apply sandalwood
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  
Drink oregano tea
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  
Drink angelica root tea
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  

Hay Fever

Hay fever is an allergic disorder characterized by an exaggerated immune response to pollen grains and other substances. Typically, if you suffer from hay fever in the spring, you're probably allergic to tree pollens. Grass and weed pollens may be causing your allergic reaction during the summer. In autumn, weeds may plague you, and fungus spores cause problems primarily from late March through November but can be present year round.


Eat citrus fruits
3.1 (117)
Effectiveness: 3.1  Popularity: 117  
inhale steam
3.1 (54)
Effectiveness: 3.1  Popularity: 54  
Drink apple cider vinegar
3.4 (53)
Effectiveness: 3.4  Popularity: 53  
Eat local honey
3.2 (40)
Effectiveness: 3.2  Popularity: 40  
Chew ginger
3.7 (37)
Effectiveness: 3.7  Popularity: 37  
Clean nasal with salt water
2.6 (37)
Effectiveness: 2.6  Popularity: 37  
Chew garlic
3.4 (25)
Effectiveness: 3.4  Popularity: 25  
Eat grapefruit and lemon
3.0 (15)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 15  
Eat onion
1.2 (15)
Effectiveness: 1.2  Popularity: 15  
Drink chamomile tea or inhale chamomile
3.9 (4)
Effectiveness: 3.9  Popularity: 4  
Apply petroleum jelly to nostrils
2.0 (4)
Effectiveness: 2.0  Popularity: 4  
Drink nettle tea
3.6 (2)
Effectiveness: 3.6  Popularity: 2  
Drink turmeric tea
3.0 (2)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 2  
Take butterbur supplement
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  

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